Subliminal Hacking
The Art and Science of Social Engineering

Posts Tagged ‘Social Engineering’


How To Autorun Modules in BeEF … Browser Exploitation Framework

Unless you are the Social Engineer with the fastest fingers in the west, you are going to have a challenge on your hands trying to initiate the various BeEF modules of interest when you initially hook a compromised host. So to ...
by Dale Pearson


Improve Your Social Engineering Skills… Master Manipulator Mind Map

In my talk Head Hacking – The Magic of Suggestion and Perception, I talk about the best type of Social Engineer, this is the Master Manipulator. Many people have these skills naturally, but may not be consciously aware of...
by Dale Pearson


The Behavioural Table of Elements – Body Language

I recently became aware of a US based Intelligence and Behaviour Expert by the name of Chase Hughes. I picked up his book The Ellipsis Manual which has been a great addition to my collection of books and resources on body langu...
by Dale Pearson



Welcome to Head Hacker

Welcome and thanks for visiting the Head Hacker website. The goal of this site is to discuss the benefits, process, theories and qualities associated with social engineering, and what I consider to be linked skills, products an...
by Dale Pearson


Ethical Boundaries of Simulated Testing

Like most days social media is flowing with opinions, perspectives, ego and testosterone 🙂 The most recent discussions that have sparked my interest have been those around what is or in many cases isn’t considered to b...
by Dale Pearson