Subliminal Hacking
The Art and Science of Social Engineering



Twitter Stalking with Bing Maps … Recontastic

So this is pretty old news as I think it was first announced on the Interwebs in mid to late 2010 and I could have swarn I blogged about it, but apparently not, perhaps it was just a tweet, who knows. Anyway, in the Maltego cla...
by Dale Pearson


Maltego Transformtastic… Information Gathering Made Simple

So back on August 27th 2010 at 3:55am I had a great idea. I will do a quick video on Maltego basics 🙂 Then nearly 5 years went by and I never got around to doing it, mainly intimidated by the awesome videos Paterva do themse...
by Dale Pearson


How To Install BeEF … Browser Exploitation Framework

The Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF) is an excellent tool for Social Engineers and Pentesters. This video provides a quick How To on installing it under Linux. The install from start to finish takes around 10 minutes, but ...
by Dale Pearson



Remember Remember … Constructing A Memory Palace

So today is the Royal Wedding, and I am sure of you hadn’t forgotten that. However as we have discussed before the memory isn’t really the best at remembering stuff, and our subconscious is only to happy to fill in ...
by Dale Pearson


Easter Competition.. Win a Sha LoN Basic Pick Set

COMPETITION NOW CLOSED !!! As a special treat for Easter I am going to give away a Sha LoN Basic Pick Set to one of the Head Hacker Readers. Of course there is a catch, and you need to be in it to win it, and I will pick the wi...
by Dale Pearson