Subliminal Hacking
The Art and Science of Social Engineering



Derren Brown Apocalypse … Fake or Real … My Opinion

I should start this post by saying that I am a huge Derren Brown fan, so I am probably commenting from a biased / rose tinted view but I am certainly trying not to when I share my views on Derren’s latest TV offering Apoc...
by Dale Pearson


Remember Remember … Constructing A Memory Palace

So today is the Royal Wedding, and I am sure of you hadn’t forgotten that. However as we have discussed before the memory isn’t really the best at remembering stuff, and our subconscious is only to happy to fill in ...
by Dale Pearson


Social Engineering… Is It Ethical??

When I speak to people (non Infosec passionate types) about the work and research I do around the content I post on Head Hacker, I normally get a few responses. Shock, Disgust and Intrigue. People are shocked because they are n...
by Dale Pearson



Gaining Access.. As easy as abracadabra, alakazam

Some of you may have gathered by now, as well as infosec, social engineering, and hypnosis, I am also interested in abit of trickery pokery, magic. In recent months I was asked to carry out an impromptu social engineering exerc...
by Dale Pearson


Quick Post – More Illusions … Of the 3D Printed Variety

Loving illusions again at the moment, and found a couple that I could print on my 3D Printer, so I put it to work and here are the results, how you enjoy.
by Dale Pearson