Subliminal Hacking
The Art and Science of Social Engineering



Body Talk… Arms out rah rah rah

Hope everyone is off to a good week, what with Defcon, Blackhat etc I am sure many of you are travelling. I personally had a weekend break in Cardiff and enjoyed doing a little grey matter manipulation, as well as talking about...
by Dale Pearson


Setting your motivation… Mind Scripts

Getting into character is an important part of being successful on a social engineering engagement. You may be physically impersonating a sales guy, engineer, employee, or you may be carrying out your fiendish work remotely gat...
by Dale Pearson


Body Talk.. Kick off your dancing shoes

The human body is a wonderful thing, I admit some more wonderful than others, but I digress. We all give of subtle signals, cues and tells. These are subconsciously taken in, but consciously we are not always aware of what is h...
by Dale Pearson



Its the little things… Micro Expressions

Many people say its the little things that count, depending on what your talking about your partner may or may not agree with you 🙂 However when it comes to body language type stuff and reading people there is a little somet...
by Dale Pearson


Subliminal Hacking at BruCon 2011 … Belgium Security Conference

BruCON is an annual security and hacker(*) conference providing two days of an interesting atmosphere for open discussions of critical infosec issues, privacy, information technology and its cultural/technical implications on s...
by Dale Pearson