Subliminal Hacking
The Art and Science of Social Engineering

Posts Tagged ‘NLP’


Subliminal Hacking at BruCon 2011 … Belgium Security Conference

BruCON is an annual security and hacker(*) conference providing two days of an interesting atmosphere for open discussions of critical infosec issues, privacy, information technology and its cultural/technical implications on s...
by Dale Pearson


Common Practice to Witchcraft … Why do we challenge before exposure?

This months post is really a rant, but hopefully still has some informative value 🙂 A few weeks ago now Chris Nickerson and I were discussing some research on influence and manipulation, some of which was in relation to Ross...
by Dale Pearson


Setting your motivation… Mind Scripts

Getting into character is an important part of being successful on a social engineering engagement. You may be physically impersonating a sales guy, engineer, employee, or you may be carrying out your fiendish work remotely gat...
by Dale Pearson



Ride the waves of sensation… Its all about anchoring

You know when you see an object, or hear a song and it instantly takes you back to a moment, and you begin to experience feelings and emotions as if you where re living it. This is essentially what anchoring is, and this is an ...
by Dale Pearson


NLP Patterns… Not quite needle work and stitching

We have had our brief introduction to NLP, buts now lets give you some patterns you can try out and put to good use. I will point out that many NLP patterns seem very simple, but you need to remember they are all words we are f...
by Dale Pearson