Subliminal Hacking
The Art and Science of Social Engineering



What material is essential on a Social Engineering Course?

I have heard many people talk about the fact that it is rare to find a course on social engineering, and those they have attended or heard about have not been that interesting. So I was wondering, in your opinion what would mak...
by Dale Pearson


Mind Reading … The Outer Body Experience

We have spoken before about the importance of commitment when it comes to social engineering and manipulation. The commitment to be the delivery guy, engineer and so on. However, I think there is another important skill to be s...
by Dale Pearson


Social Compliance and Manipulation… The Art of Confidence

As human beings we are very good at making excuses, and always believing that some how we have it worse than the other guy. There is often that mentality that, its not we don’t want to do this or that, its just that ̷...
by Dale Pearson



Hiding in plain sight… Playing it loud and proud

Happy New Year. 2011 has already gotten off to a hectic start for me, as I type this I am still in California working, but looking forward to flying back at the end of the week. In the last week I have tried out something a lit...
by Dale Pearson


Scout Motto… Always be prepared

Apologies its been a few weeks since I posted, what with starting a new day job, and many many things to sort out at home I have struggled to get the time and the mindset to get something written. So I thought I would do a quic...
by Dale Pearson