Subliminal Hacking
The Art and Science of Social Engineering




In April 2012 I was fortunate enough to be given a free USB Stick from Online Spy Shop that is a GSM Bug as part of a small give away they were running. I have had this sat on the shelf since it arrived but havent found the tim...
by Dale Pearson


The Professional Opportunist … A Book Review

So I cant quite remember when it was, but I think it was the late part of 2010 that I stumbled across the work of this guy who goes by the name of James Brown. No not the musical one (although he may be a great singer), the one...
by Dale Pearson


Its Hypnosis Jim, but not as we know it.. Hypnosis without trance

Once again I am going to be jabbering on about Hypnosis again. So if you have not noticed by now hypnosis is something that is of great interest to me, and I think having at minimum an understanding of hypnotic language is a va...
by Dale Pearson



Hypnosis.. The No FAIL Protocol

Earlier on in the year I attended the Blackpool Magic Convention, it was a great event and I met some great hypnotists and magicians. Whilst I was there I was introduced to a guy called James Tripp. James came across as a nice ...
by Dale Pearson